
Mon-Fri: 8 AM-5 PM
500 E. Remington Drive Suite 23 Sunnyvale, CA 94087


Bruxism Treatment Sunnyvale

Why should I seek treatment for Bruxism?

  • Gum recession. Bruxism is a leading cause of gum recession and tooth loss. Grinding can damage the soft tissue directly and lead to loose teeth and deep pockets where bacteria are able to colonize and decay the supporting bone.
  • Facial pain. Grinding can eventually shorten and blunt the teeth. This can lead to muscle pain in the myofascial region and in severe cases, incapacitating headaches.
  • Occlusal trauma. The abnormal wear patterns on the occlusal (chewing) surfaces of the teeth can lead to fractures, which, if left untreated, may require restorative treatment at a later time.
  • Arthritis. In the most severe cases, bruxism can eventually lead to painful arthritis in the temporomandibular (TMJ) joints that allow the jaw to open and close smoothly.

Bruxism Treatment Options

Experiencing Jaw Pain?

Call our caring staff with any questions or concerns!